Sunday, July 24, 2005

yawning cat on the rock
I do not know how to describe this cat. She was peacefully having a nap when I approached and the place was quite shaded. Thankfully it was an overcast day with lots of diffused light. Suddenly the cat yawned as I was pressing my shutter and I am just thankful that the cat's face came out reasonably sharp because I was using a slow shutter speed. Ilford FP-4 printed on Kentmere RC paper.

pampered with love

Believe it or not, these cats are well pampered and loved. Their master is a very cheerful jasmine lei vendor who always has a ready smile to everyone visiting her stall. Most of the time these cats are just sleeping....without any cares in the world. Meanwhile the traffic of Silom Road just passes them by. Ilford FP-4 printed on Kentmere rc paper.

updated 07.29.05

Sunday, July 17, 2005

screaming tree

After I finished testing Ilford FP-4 for a suitable EI, I was so eager to test drive the film using my sekonic meter. I found this tree in the park where there it was almost side lit by the slowly setting sun which was perfect because of the shadows and highlights. I was more concerned with placing the zones than anything else. It was only later that it became apparent that the tree looked like it was screaming! Ilford FP-4 printed on Kentmere rc paper.


Friday, July 15, 2005

road into the woods

It was still overcast even past lunch time. The roads were very dry. Obviously the rowdy songkran caravans did not pass through these secluded roads otherwise it would have been soaking wet. This is not yet my final print on this one. I may yet work on another version of this print. Ilford FP-4; printed on kentmere rc paper.


Thursday, July 14, 2005

ferns by the falls

also taken last songkran by a secluded water fall in saraburi before going to lampang. my friend was going on a picnic by the falls together with his extended family by the falls in saraburi. I remember that it was already quite dark and had already started to rain explaining the long shuter speed I used. I would like to do a partial sepia of this picture as well in the future. Ilford FP-4, pinter on kentmere rc paper.


Wednesday, July 13, 2005

happy birthday bing!

Many happy returns and may you enjoy your day!


Tuesday, July 12, 2005

lotus pond

Near the government guest house where we stayed in Lampang, tucked under the nearby trees was this small lotus pond. It was already dark when we arrived. In the morning when I started to take pictures, I did not notice it at all, but later as we were driving back from visiting my friends plot of land in Lampang, I saw the lotus pads in this small pond. As I was taking my picture, the sun started to shine brightly giving the leaves dappled lightlighting and a reflection of the trees sheltering the lotus in the pond. This is a scan of a silver gel print that I made. Ilford FP-4 film; printed on kentmere rc paper.


Monday, July 11, 2005

wooden walkway

This was the first time the sun came out after a few days of rain in Brisbane. Believe me this is much more preferrable to the searing heat of the Australian summer. The sky was quite overcast when I got to the Botanical Garden. As I reached the mangroves where these wooden walkways were, the sun suddenly shone. I was waiting for a little boy who was skate boarding to get into my picture, he on the other hand was waiting for me to take my picture of the walkway. Needless to say, I lost the waiting game. Digital monochrome.


Sunday, July 10, 2005

flying a kite

After a long while, I once again gave street photography a try. Like the kid above who is trying to fly a kite but can't seem to get it to fly, I find street photography very frustrating. Either I am too shy or my subject are too shy. Add to the fact that I am inherently slow as such by the time I am ready the picture is already gone. Subjects in the street do will not wait when I am good and ready. Unfortunately my batting average is still quite low, of the 34 shots that I managed to take, I decided to keep half. Of these maybe only 10 hold some possibilities. However I will keep on trying. Who knows one day my kite may even fly. I will keep on working and hoping. Digital monochrome.


Saturday, July 09, 2005

going home from blue moon

He was going home perhaps after a day of work or after meeting with friends. It is another weekend and I am looking forward to what it will bring.


Thursday, July 07, 2005

I see nothing!

The kids were giving me a hard time when I was trying to take their pictures. But then I began to see the humor in what they were doing so I asked them to keep their hands on their faces. And they graciously complied. It was the middle of summer in Goldcoast, yet it was rainy and cloudy that day. I am now back in Bangkok where it is raining daily and my little friends are probably in school in Goldcoast enjoying their mild winter. I hope they are well.
