sydney winter
photographs taken of my travels around the world and in my homebase. i try to have a camera when a photo opportunity presents itself.
Teddybears, Mermaids and Rubber Ducks
Last month there was a call for submission for and online exhibition being mounted by Photomedia Center entitled "The Holga Show". Fortunately when I visited Australia last August, I was spending more time using my Holga because it was the lightest camera to take around. Out of the 8 photographs I submitted to the Photomedia Center, they had chosen 1. I was so happy about this because this is the first time I am participating in an online show with credits being given to my name. I had been looking at the website of Photomedia Center the last few days and finally late last night I checked again and The Holga Show had been posted so I looked for my name in the list of 50 photographers chosen and clicked my name only to find out the final surprise......Teddybears, Mermaids and Rubber Ducks had been chosen Best of Show: Color. I rubbed my eyes to make sure that it is true! I was happy enough to be included in the exhibit but very thankful that the photograph I had sent was chosen Best of Show in its category. You can see the show following this link...The Holga Show