wat po
Wat Po is located beside the Grand Palace. One of its famous temples houses the reclining buddha. These were the best of the bunch that I took that afternoon. I was a bit disappointed because of the way the pictures of the spires came out. This is when I suspected that the Holga's viewfinder is showing me just a portion of what the camera lens is actually taking. Another observation was that the pictures were slightly underexposed, considering that I had set the lens on the cloudy sky setting-meaning something like f/8 on an ISO 100 film. In this case I was using an ISO 100 Fuji Velvia. This may support the assertion I saw somewhere that whatever the setting of the Holga, it only takes pictures at f/11, meaning you need a very bright sun, which explains why I got decent pictures when I took pictures of my friends when they were swimming in the pool before Songkran, the afternoon sun was shining very brightly that time. These pictures at Wat Po were taken. at 5 pm just when the sun was getting ready to set. © 2006 Bangkok, Thailand, daddywasabi, all rights reserved.