Lamlukka playground
The pink coloured Holy Family Church was our landmark on the way to the convent. It was a long drive. We knew that we were getting closer because the four lane road gave way to a two laned road. We were had to be on the look out for the pink colored church. By then we knew that we were just one klong away from our destination. You will find things in the same order, the pink colored church, the christian cemetery, the old people's hospice and the hospital. After that a bridge, a sign to a popular wat then on the left side is the dirt road to the convent.
On the way back we decided to drop by. We then found out that the church was built in 1910 and finished in 1911. This is quite unusual in Thailand where the way are dotted with wats and towns are named accordingly. What I noticed was the lonely playground in the church yard. It was right after noon and we were experiencing a very hot day. Yet I could not help notice the worn out toys in the playground. A relic perhaps of a bygone era before at a time when kids perhaps of my generation would prefer to run around and play in playgrounds like this one. How exciting to use your imagination and play with friends of your youth. But time has a way of dealing with all things. Everything changes. Decay is the only way for those who do not change with the times. That is how time deals with everything.