old bangkok buildings
Bangkok is a very vibrant city with new buildings going up all the time. However it is also fascinating to find buildings from different periods still around in the different parts of the city. Near where I live, I find a lot of buildings perhaps dating to the early '60's and late '70's. In Chinatown there are buildings from the early part of the 20th century. It has been overcast the last few weeks raining most mornings with the rest of the day being cloudy. Last saturday, I did the contact print of the test I did of the Holga weeks ago. The best result for the Kodak 125 px came from the one taken using an EI 80. At that the print looked more of a zone IV rather than a zone V because I was taking the photo based on the assumption that the aperture is set at f/8. The result confirms that the Holga is set at f/11. The bright sun and the cloudy day setting is meaningless. This explains why I was getting mostly underexposed pictures. At any rate, taking pictures with cloudy skies gave me the opportunity to do multi-exposures. Metering is simple. Once the reading is done, it is a matter of taking enough shots for the frame to build up enough exposure that would be equivalent to exposing the frame to an f/11 light. I have figured that it works on multiples of 2 So F/11=2x F/8=4xF/5.6=8xf/4.0=16xf/2.8 and so on. One can even do a combination of different light, provided that you keep track of the light allowed in the camera. I think one time I took a frame as follows: 1xf/8 + 2xf/5.6 and you will arrive to the same exposure as F/11. The density of the film after development should be in the right range that it can be printed on normal contrast (grade 2 or 3). Figuring this offers a lot of exciting possibilities in taking pictures with multiple exposures. #&169 2005 Bangkok, Thailand, daddywasabi, all rights reserved.
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