Wednesday, December 14, 2005

pagudpud rocks

We finally settled in a resort in Baranggay Saud in Pagudpud. The much touted visit to the Blue Lagoon was quite disappointing because of the blustery weather. There was an interesting cliff we saw along the way but the wind was so strong for me to safely reach a better vantage point. When we got back to the resort, I went to the rocky beach. By then the sun was setting so I was in a rush to get my camera and tripod. I tried using at a shutter opening of at least f/11. Then after a stormy day, we saw a wonderful sunset lighting up the beach of Bangui. Too bad by that time the cf card of my canon 10d were all full ( I was shooting in raw format). So I used the remaining frames in the hasselblad 500c. I tried capturing the sunset using the last frame of the fortepan film I was using. Unfortunately, I forgot to adjust the focus. So a slightly soft photo resulted. I am however still pleased with it. all photos © 2005 daddywasabi, all rights reserved.

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